Born Dec 17, 1951, in Ravensburg (Germany) as second child of Ernst Verleger (1899-1965) and Helga Verleger, nee Messer (born 1925)

For my parents‘ biographies see chapter 3 in »100 Jahre Heimatland?« [100 years of homeland]

1957-1970 School in Ravensburg
1970-1976 Study of psychology in Konstanz
1977-1985 Research assistant in Mannheim
1985-1986 Research assistant in Tübingen, graduated there 1986 as Ph.D. 
1986-1988 Unemployed in Mannheim
1988-2017 Psychologist in dept. of neurology in Lübeck
there 1994 habilitation and 1998 adjunct professor

see here for scientific activities at the interface of mind and matter
2017 pension

Guidance in Jewish traditions by our father until 1965, from 1957 to 1970 by a weekly visiting teacher of religion from the Jewish congregation in Stuttgart and by private study
1956: Donation of a torah scroll by our father to the Jewish congregation in Stuttgart
December 1964: became Bar-Mitzvah there
Since 1969: alienation from Jewish orthodoxy
Since 1975: living together with my non-Jewish friend/spouse
Since about 1985: Passover and Chanukah with my family
Since about 1989: Attending synagogue at High Holy Days and later regularly on Friday evening

1995-2001 Organizing the local initiative for autonomy of the Jewish congregation in Lübeck
2001-2005 Member of executive board of the Jewish congregation in Lübeck
2005-2006 Chairman of the association of Jewish congregations in the state of Schleswig-Holstein
2005-2009 Delegate from Schleswig-Holstein to the Central Council of Jews in Germany

2006 Open letter to the president of the Central Council concerning the Lebanon war
2007 Book: „Israels Irrweg. Eine jüdische Sicht“ [„Israel’s wrong way. A Jewish view“]
2009/10 Chairman of Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden [Jewish Voice for a Just Peace]
2016 Founding the Bündnis für die Beendigung der israelischen Besatzung [Association for Ending the Israeli Occupation], since 2019 Bündnis für Gerechtigkeit zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern [Association for Justice Between Israelis and Palestinians]
2017 Book: »100 Jahre Heimatland?« [100 years of homeland? Judaism and Israel Between Love-of-Neighbor and Nationalism]
2019 Book: »Haus der Ewigkeit: Der jüdische Friedhof Stockelsdorf« [House of Eternity: The Jewish Cemetery in Stockelsdorf]